A Freak Accident – April 26th, 2018


– Every member of the Crew needs a vacation
– 7 common food pairings that are causing your health problems
– What innocent question has someone asked you that secretly crushed you a little inside?
– “Yes or BS? – YouTube Edition”
– The first round of eliminations as we search for the Greatest Band of All Time

A Freak Accident – April 19th, 2018


– Crisco is losing his voice
– News Update: Barbara Bush died; A meteorologist throws a fit on-air; Southwest plane has mid-air emergency when window breaks; Starbucks closing 8,000 stores for “racial bias training;” The end of the world almost happened this week, and you had no idea; Alex Jones is finally getting what he deserves
– If negative thoughts are making you miserable, we can fix you in 4 minutes
– Our picks for the greatest bands of all time

A Freak Accident – April 12th, 2018


– Which sport is most boring? (Spoilers: It’s NASCAR)
– “Twitter Roulette”
– The most profitable piece of media in history is both surprising and not surprising
– “Yes or BS? – Inventions Edition”
– 5 real deaths too unrealistic for Hollywood
– Shower Thoughts

A Freak Accident – April 5th, 2018


– Lazy E and Crisco don’t understand “business”
– Kids are getting dumber with the Condom Snorting Challenge
– What’s the most embarrassing moment from your childhood you still hold on to?
– “Who is It?”
– The secret to happiness (and the reason Mikki is never happy)